If you are a mom to a micro-preemie or know of someone who has a child with a compromised immune system then you know this time of year can add extra stress! The months of October - April are known as “respiratory season” because of RSV, the flu, and colds.
I can already see people rolling their eyes and hearing people make the comments, “Germs won’t hurt them”, or “kids need to be sick to build their immune system” etc. I hear these all the time. And I was this person before our journey, I didn’t understand how harmful some germs are for immune compromised kiddos.
Look at this picture below, it’s the best visual aid I can give for people to understand how “sick” my kid’s lungs still are. They still have Chronic Lung Disease.
You can see above how preterm lungs are poorly developed.
Our babies were born with only 20% of their lung sacs being developed, and the 20% that were present weren’t considered “healthy” lung tissue. Our lungs aren’t fully developed until the age of two. So between birth to two it is crucial for every lung sac that develops to be healthy.
To build healthy lung sacs means only being around healthy people. It’s just the way it is. So if you know of people who “practice” isolation during this season, listen first before assuming they are just making it difficult on people :)
Our babies are in a special category because they qualify for a monthly shot called, Synagis. We received them last year as well. We will receive these shots from November to March to help build anti-bodies against respiratory sickness. If you remember last year we practiced complete isolation, meaning we didn’t go anywhere and were very selective who visited. We had all these precautions and Max still ended up back in the PICU for 9 days on oxygen. It’s serious. A simple cough can be catastrophic for them. It’s not me being dramatic, but raising awareness. This year we will do “modified isolation”, meaning we will still stay at home most days but hopefully we will be able to go to holiday celebrations this year (hopefully).
So how does this effect YOU?
If you are sick, it’s not just about you but thinking of others. Before going somewhere or sending your kids to school sick, think about other people and their kids.
Staying healthy is also about protecting the people around you.
If you know a family that practices isolation during these months here are some suggestions:
-Still include them and invite them.
-Ask if you can bring them a meal.
-This season includes holidays which can be hard because they might not be able to attend all family gatherings. Be sensitive and think of creative ways to include them.
-Most importantly listen. Isolation truly is that, isolation. They need your ear.
Thank you for raising awareness with us during this season! Make sure you SUBSCRIBE!