28 Weeks: 27 Days of Life
It's hard to believe we are one day shy of 4 weeks! It has already felt like 18 years of heartache and joy in a short span of time. This week (like the past three) have kept us on our toes with the twist and turns of the journey. I really wish we could do a better job using words to explain how hard this journey is, but we don't know how. The doctors actually use the term "rollercoaster" to describe the journey, however, It's really nothing like a rollercoaster...we didn't choose to get on, we can't see the end in sight, and we don't know what's up ahead. All I know is we have grown more in the past 4 weeks than we have in the past 4 years.
So here is a 28-week recap of the past seven days...
We have learned two new terms this week...NIV and NAVA these are important terms to understand for their breathing status. We will explain them in the updates.
We saw improvement with Maggie this week. The doctors won't say "good" days with preemies but they have used the word stable for the past couple of days! So we will take it! Maggie got the chance to change breathing tubes and try the NIV for the first time (This is a Non-Invasive Ventilation System that goes into her nostrils and gives her 30 breaths a minute, instead of blowing air into her lungs like her previous vent). They told us very minute off the breathing tube and on the NIV would be great, Maggie made it 10 hours! She then became tired (lots of work for a preemie) and her CO2 levels were high so they switched her back to the breathing tube. But yesterday they gave her a chance on the NAVA breathing system which is some of the newest technology. (NAVA stands for Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist which sits on top of her diaphragm and gives her more control. It allows her to try and take a breath on her own every 2 seconds and if she doesn't the breathing tube will do it for her) She has now been on the NAVA over 24 hours! PRAISE! Maggie also is approaching the 2lb mark, at 1lb 15oz. She is also getting 17ml of breastmilk every 3 hours. She also got out her IV, PAL, and PIC line this week. So now all she has is her breathing and food tubes! I did get to hold her again this week :)
Max was not about to be outdone by his sister and also had a stable week. He also tried out the NIV and lasted on it for 12 hours! (like we said, he couldn't let his sister win) He did such a great job, but he became tired like his sister and was put on the NAVA vent. He has been on it for 24 hours and is doing a great job. His feeds have increased to 15 ml of breastmilk every 3 hours and are 1lb 13 oz. The highlight of our week came yesterday when Abby got to hold our sweet Max for the first time. It came as a total surprise to us when the nurse asked if we would like to hold him. He is a true miracle and the hour Abby held him was a truly answered prayer. Mom and Max loved every second. Praise God for his continued growth and strength!
Miller has been our fighter this week. The latest heart echo shows that his PDA is almost completely closed, which is good news, but they thought a lot of his symptoms were due to the PDA and now they are back to the drawing board. The doctors took a blood culture to check for infection and it was positive for infection. This is a major setback as their tiny bodies are already fighting hard! We do not know what kind of bacteria is present (takes 48 hours for cultures to grow), but Miller has started antibiotics as of Sunday morning. He has also been paralyzed so he will not fight the breathing vent. It was causing his CO2 levels and blood gases to be high. He is still receiving feeds of 4 ml and weighs 2lb 7 oz. Please lift Miller up in prayer for the coming week that he can fight off infection and get back to his active self.
Abby's Thoughts
"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." - Psalm 1239:13-16
I have been meditating on these verses this week. As I am asking myself, Do I feel like a mom? I don't know how I am supposed to feel, but I do know this is the first week I haven't been afraid of our babies, but starting to enjoy them (I know this sounds sad but it's hard to feel comfortable around all the wires and alarms). I started reading the book, Brave Mom by Sherry Suaratt and it is giving my perspective about the verses above. You see, not only did God think about the babies, but He thought about them before I was even born. He even planned the parents they would have. God knew that I would have these three miracles. He created them. He gave them to me, which means he has fully equipped me to be their mom. He gave me exactly what I needed. "While I won't be a perfect mom, I already am the perfect mom for my babies" (Sherry). Please pray that I will not be a slave to fear but stand in the truth that I AM A CHILD OF GOD!
Ryan's Thoughts
Over the past week, a verse that has been on my mind is Psalm 77:14. The verse says, "You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples." I have meditated and reflected on this verse and how God has shown His might over the past 4 weeks. He has been present in every detail of our journey with the triplets so far. Whether it be feeling called to move to Gainesville just over a year ago, leaning on Him for strength and understanding when we found out we were having them, to the thousands that have lifted them up and praised His name for every milestone. God has shown His glory and wonder. These 3 have already brought so much joy to our lives and the lives of our friends and family. I know that are God in Heaven is smiling down on them and the joy they bring Him.
Prayer Request
Maggie and Max being on the NAVA with continued improvement
All three weight gain and increase in feeds
Reduced morphine and pain management needed
Miller's infection cultures
All three lung developments
Immune systems
Abby's fear
The amount of love poured out this week on us and our families has reminded us once again that the Gospel is alive and well! People are amazing! Thank you for all the meals, gift cards, visits, kind words, books, and random acts of kindness this week! The body of Christ is active!
-Ryan and Abby