30 Fingers, 30 Toes, and 30 Inches of Baby

We haven't updated the blog in the past two weeks because honestly we have been BUSY! The spring time is always a busy year and this year is no exception. I am learning to say no, but it's hard :)

Several highlights in the past two weeks...

Visit with a triplet mom

One of my Young Life friends reached out to a triplet mom she knew and got us in contact. She has GBB triplets. Her babies are 12 weeks old. We started texting about a month ago, and honestly the text were comforting. To know that someone else out there is doing this and loving it was reassuring. I finally got to go and hang out with her one Saturday just to watch her routine and ask her questions. The whole day was perfect. She answered all my questions and was so excited for us to become friends. I left that day for the first time knowing in my mind, I can do this. The visit gave me hope for what's to come!

EHMS Shower

 I have bragged about my school community on here before but I can't say enough good things about EHMS. Last Monday the school threw me a baby shower and it was amazing to see all the friendships in the room made over the past year. The school was beyond generous in gifting us with over a month's worth of diapers, gift cards, clothes, and much more. Ryan and I felt so loved. When leaving the shower, Ryan and I were praying and thanking God for Him moving us here over a year ago. We thought it was a crazy idea and really didn't want to move to Gainesville, but it's moments like the shower I am reassured over and over again that the Burles are right were God wants us.



Church Yard Sale

Our church yard sale was also this past Saturday! We have been planning and collecting donations for about three months now. A HUGE thank you goes to Joy, Brian, John, Faith, David, Mary, Steven, Katie, Haughton, Morgan, Katie W., Laurie, Brad, Katie D., Alex, Kasey, Emily, Brett, Heather, Holly and more. From helping us gather donations to loading and unloading; these people went above and beyond! Thank you! 

For some reason the week of the yard sale I had a lot of doubt about it being successful, people not feeling thanked, or people feeling that we were just taking their stuff. But Saturday morning when I actually got there and saw everyone pitching in to help, it was a beautiful reminder that I shouldn't doubt what God started. We ended up raising over $900! God just keeps putting His faithfulness and provisions in front of me to remind me over and over, "I have you". 

Baby Update

The last baby update we had on here, we surprised everyone with a GIRL! We now have all three names officially nailed down.

Maggie Gail ("Pearl" "Gives Joy")

12oz and 10.5 inches long (20 Week and 4 day update)


Maxwell Christopher ("Great" "Christ Bearer")

14oz and 11 inches long (20 Weeks and 4 day update)


Miller James ("The One Who Grinds" "The One Who Follows") 

13oz and 10.5 inches long (20 weeks and 4 day update)


All three babies are right on track and everything is still looking "best case" scenario according to doctors! My appointments are now becoming more frequent with the Specialist, but I don't mind because I get to see them more :)

Abby Update

I am currently 22 weeks and 1 day! So the above measurements and pictures are about two weeks old. I go back to the doctor on Thursday so I will know more about the babies current weight and length. 

I can honestly say I now "feel" pregnant. This has been the first week were I have said no to things or realized my limit. There is also NO hiding this belly bump as strangers on the street are quick to remind me ;)

The nights have become emotional as I am exhausted and not sleeping well. Ryan is cool as a cucumber thank God because he comforts me and listens to me as I babble through the tears. One of my favorite views these days is below. Ryan and I read to them every night and it has quickly become one of our favorite parts of the day.


Ryan Update

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind! There has not been a lot of time to sit and rest thanks to testing at school, mentoring and getting the house prepared for the arrival. One thing that has been on my mind lately is doubt. Abby would tell you that I am calm, cool and collected most of the time. That is a true statement. I don't let many things get to me and when they do, I don't like to linger. With all the unknowns that go with the triplets (finances, people helping, did I say finances?) it can be easy to fall into anxiety and doubt. Abby has a harder time dealing with anxiety than I do, but lately I find myself worrying more. My worries center on finances mainly and being able to provide for my family. It is in this time of worry that God tells us to trust in Him because anxiety occurs when we do not put our full faith in Him. That is what I have continually reminded Abby. When she worries that people will not show up for a baby shower or yard sale and anxiety begins to set in... I remind her of what God has provided already. How can we doubt Him when He has repeatedly shown His grace? I believe that when He decided to bless us with Maggie, Max and Miller He was telling us to "get ready to see what I can do and what I have planned for you". So with that knowledge, why worry?

IMG_4518 (1)

Prayer and Praises

Pray for the health of Maggie, Max, and Miller

Pray for Abby's health, emotions, and energy

Pray for Abby and Ryan's doubt

Pray that we will both finish the school year strong (19 days people)

Pray that the CRV will sell

Pray that people know we are thankful

PRAISE for the YARD SALE and friends who help 

PRAISE for a school community that loves well

PRAISE for more diaper deliveries

PRAISE for only two more semesters of grad school 

PRAISE for Penny finding a good home

It is well, with my soul,

it is well, it is well, with my soul!

-Ryan and Abby